TKA | The Key Advisors provides its clients with a global, multidisciplinary team with a high degree of specialization, supporting them in maximizing the potential of assets and resolving the most complex challenges.
TKA develops valuations according to the best market practices. It is registered with the CMVM – Comissão de Mercados de Valores Mobiliários and follows the IVS - International Valuations Standards.
Due Dilligence
TKA develops due diligence processes for any type of real estate asset, supporting risk mitigation for its clients.
Market Research
TKA is continually monitoring the Portuguese real estate market, thus allowing us to stay up to date and produce studies and reports that add value to our clients.

After professional experiences in different sectors, Andreia Nobre became the general director of the real estate company TKA | The Key Advisors, in 2022, a position she currently
2023 was a year marked by inflation, slowing growth and the fastest pace of rate increases in the last ten years. For 2024, these themes remain, adding to
Since October last year, TKA | The Key Advisors has begun a process of change aimed at contributing to a better service for all our stakeholders.
According to the latest study, PwC’s Global Asset and Wealth Management Survey 2023, projections for 2027 reveal how changing investor expectations will disrupt the status quo. For
According to Confidencial Imobiliário, house sales prices increased by only 1.8% in the 2nd quarter of this year compared to the previous quarter, recording the lowest quarterly